
Institutional Structure, Academic Departments, Academic calendar, Student Affairs Department(Structure, and Duties), Library Services, Library Research and Information Resources, catalog search through Web; Health, Culture and Sports Deparment, Student Clubs (Structure and Duties), Regulations and Guidelines of Higher Education, Discipline Guide of High Education Council, Regulation of The Law on Higher Education, Erasmus International Office, Publicity and Public Relations Department(Structure and Duties).

Internet and Internet Browser, Electronic Mail Management, Newsgroups / Forums, Web Based Learning, Personal Web Site Preparation, Electronic Commerce, Resume in Word Processor, Internet and Career, Job Interview Preparation,Electronic Tables, Worksheets, Transaction Table, Formulas and Functions, Graphics, Presentation Preparation , Introductory Material Preparation. Microsoft Office and Open Office Applicaitons

The basic drawing principles of the program are learned with computer aided drawing. Using the program, drawing and presentation techniques are studied, architectural drawings and projects are designed.

Definition of law, the need for law, social rules which organize society, relationships and differences between law and other social rules, criteria differentiation, public and private law, equality, branches of public law, definition, enforcement and characteristics of laws.

This course provides an introduction to the English language and aims to help the students to develop a basic level of competence in communicating in this language. It is intended that students who have taken this course will be able to communicate at a very basic level using written and oral English in everyday and business life.

Importance and Significance of Turkish Revolution, Ottoman Empire in The Contemporary Age and Reasons of Its Collapse, Efforts to Save the Empire; First Reforms, Nizâm-ı Cedit Reforms, II. Mahmut Reforms, The Tanzimat Period, Transition to Constitutional Monarchy; First and Second Constitutional Era, Ideological Movements in the Last Period of Ottoman Empire, Wars That Ottoman Empire Loined in the Beginning of the 20th Century: The Tripoli War, the Balkan Wars and the First World War, its Reasons, Developments and Results, Ottoman Empire and War Fronts in the First World War and Its Results, Secret Agreements about the partition of Ottoman Empire, Armistice of Mondros and Reactions, Life of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Occupation of Izmir by the Greeks and Reactions to the Occupation, Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s Arrival to Samsun and Organization Activities, Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s Organization efforts to National Resistance Movement: Amasya Circles, Erzurum and Sivas Congresses, Amasya Negotiations and Protocols, Meeting of the Last Ottoman Parliament in Istanbul, National Pact Desicions, Occupation of Istanbul by the Entente States and The Reaction Against the Occupation, Opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Ankara and its First Decisions and its applications, Uprising in the Period of National Struggle, Sharing Plans for Turkey and Treaty of Sevr, Turkish War of Independence, War Period; Establishment of National Army, Eastern Front; The Armenian Question and the Wars Made by the Armenians, The Birth of the Nationalist in the South Front and the War with the French, The Wars of the Regular Army in the Greek Front in the Western Front; the Battle of I. Inönü and Developments in Diplomatic field, II. Inönü War, Sakarya Battle, Grand Offensive, Great Victory, Political Struggle and Peace; Mudanya Armistice, Lausanne Peace Conference and Peace Treaty, Qualities and Objectives of Turkish Revolution, Reforms in Political Area, First Constitutions and Constitutional Amendments, Experiences Transition to Multi-Party Period and Reacitons Against Revolution, Constitutions Made in the Fields of Law, Education and Culture, Regulations in the Community, Development in the Economic Area, Turkish Foreign Policy During the Atatürk Period and Its Developments (1923-1932), Turkish Foreign Policy During the Atatürk Period and Its Developments (1932-1938), Turkish Foreign Policy in the Second World War and After the War, Transition to Multi-Party Period, Principles of Turkish Revolution.

What is Language? Relations of Language with the Concepts "Thought", "Society"
Relations of Language with the Concepts "Culture", "History"
Types of Language
History of Turkish Language I
History of Turkish Language II
Text Analysis
History of Turkish Language III
Text Analysis
Atatürk'a Approach to Turkish Language and Language Revolution in Turkey
Text Analysis
Phonetic Characteristic and Elocution of Turkish Language
Writing Rules: "de" / "ki", Writing of Conjugation, Use of Correction Mark, Writing of Union Words
Application: Commonly Misspelled Words, Punctuation Marks
Narrative Disorders and Common Mistakes
Text Analysis
Subjective and Objective Narration, Types of Narration, Methods of Improving Thought in a Text
Text Analysis
Principles of Academic Writing
Text Analysis
Intellectual Writing Genres
Literary Genres: Story, Poetry and Novel
Oral Expression and Types: Interview, Panel, Symposium, Conference.