
History of Dogus University, Dogus University Management Chart, academic Units, academic calendar, Student Affairs Department (Structure, Duties), Library Department (Structure, Duties), Library Services, Library Research and Information Resources, Browsing the library catalog via Web, Health, Culture and Sports Department, Student Clubs, (Structure, Duties), Dogus University Education and Training Regulation, Higher Education Institutions Disciplinary Regulation, Higher Education Law Regulation, Erasmus Office, Promotion and Public Relations Directorate (Structure and Duties), Dogus University Graduates Association.



Basic laws of physics, Principles of sound physics, Acoustic structure of silent rooms used in audiometric examinations, reverberation, Psychological properties of sound, Calibration principles between measuring instruments and human ear, Acoustic structure of speech


The concept and determinants of health, concept of health services, characteristics and classification, development and organization of health services in Turkey, concept of hospital, information in hospitals, health manpower planning, disaster management and emergency health services, public relations in health institutions, health communication, patient rights and ethics in health, health legislation, international health organizations


Definition of hearing and speech, Structures associated with hearing and speech. Sensory processing. Parts of the ear. Bones, Eustachian tube and its functions. Structure of the inner ear. Bone and membrane structures, relations with each other. Cochlea.Sound and its features. Transmission of sound. Amplification in middle ear. Hair cells in the cochlea and arousal. Hearing pathways and connections. Formation of hearing perception. Hearing tests. Hearing disorders. Wernicke area. Broca area. Connection paths.



To know the rules of medical terminology. Prefix, Root, suffix to know about the word organization. General terms to know the disease and symptoms. To know the anatomical, health and disease terms of the body's systems (movement, digestive respiration, cardiovascular, blood-forming organs, endocrine, nervous, sensory organs).



Hearing and balance system, Basic audiological tests, Otoscopic examination, Basic components of acoustical admittance method, Tympanometry and acoustic reflex tests, Pure sound audiometry, Speech audiometry, Free field tests, Otoacoustic Emission  Audiometric interpretation



Basic concepts of information technologies, information society, computer organization, computer hardware, input-output units, memory and other equipment, computer software, components of the software,  programming and operating system, operating systems and types, basic tasks of the operating system, operating system usage, common elements of office software, running and terminating software, menus, shortcuts, applications, transaction tables, basic concepts and usage of spreadsheet, presentation programs, basic features and usage of presentation programs, database, Basic concepts, database usage.



Definition of law, the necessity of law, rules of social order regulating community life, relations and differences between law and other social order rules, criteria for distinction between public and private law, equality, party criteria, branches of public law, definition, adoption, entry into force and characteristics of laws.



Introduction of physical properties of the tympanum system, electroacoustic impedance meter and measurement principles, electrophysiology, introduction of cochlea, brain stem and cortical responses, measurement principles of evoked potentials, introduction and use of devices, monitoring of technological developments and literature.



Introduction to language and speech development, Factors affecting language and speech development, Importance of early diagnosis of hearing loss in children, Turkey in newborn hearing screening program, Early diagnosis and early intervention, Assessment of hearing in children 1, Assessment of hearing in children 2, Electrophysiological tests, Speech and Language Development Checklist in Children, Hearing Aids 1, Hearing Aids 2, Otoacoustic emissions, Why does the child speak late, Speech Therapy.


How does the ear hear, How to read audiometers in various diseases, Otoacoustic emission, Auditory evoked brainstem responses, Audiometric drawings, Menier - otosclerosis - acoustic neurinoma, Noise related hearing loss, Acoustic trauma, Hearing area and rehabilitation, A broader understanding of hearing physiology, Ototoxic drugs, Hearing protection program



Basic purpose of hearing aids, Transmission Type Hearing Loss, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Binaural hearing loss,  Parts of Hearing Aid, Hearing aids according to processor, Ear Molds, Pocket Type hearing aids,  Bone Pathway Hearing Aids, In-Canal Hearing Aids, In-Ear Hearing Aids, Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids, CROS and BICROS Hearing Aids, First Step to Hearing Aid, Objective evaluation of hearing aids, Accessing the hearing aid, Hearing Aid Use Target, Recognition of Hearing Aid User, Getting used to hearing aids, Preservation of Naturalness, Bone implantable hearing aids, Electromagnetic Middle Ear Implants, Cochlear Implant Parts, Cochlear Implant Surgery, Bilateral Cochlear Implantation, Auditory Brainstem Implant, Control, Combi Devices, Radios, Infrarotinduction Transmission Apparatus, Benefits of FM System


Choosing and applying the correct audiological tests, The student should perform pure voice and speech tests in the assessment of hearing loss to be applied to the masking, To ensure complete audiologic tests alone, the correct application.


Definition of Behavioral and Objective tests in differential diagnosis, Supra liminer tests: Vocal audiometry, ABLB, MLB, SISI, Bekesy audiometry Tone Decay. Objective tests: Electrocochleography - EcochG, Acoustic Reflex, Acoustic Reflex Decay, Metz Rekruitment, Otoacoustic Emissions, ABR- Auditory Brainstem Responses



Anatomy of the vestibular system, Physiology of the vestibular system, Balance and balance disorders, nystagmus, BBPV and positional tests, Examination of vestibular system and vestibulospinal tests, ENG, Caloric tests, VNG, VEMP, HIT Diseases of the peripheral vestibular system, Central vestibular system diseases, Interpretation of vestibular tests and patient evaluation.



Introduction to the course and nations, Question structures, Registration to a language school, Asking people questions, Occupations, Present tense, Time intervals reporting frequency, Making an appointment, Collocation, Past tense sentences, Conjunctions, Answering information Past tense; questions and short answers, Goal infinitives, Reacting to news, Present and present, At the station, in the taxi, asking for help and offering, Directions and places, Traffic signs, Continuous past tense, Time connectors, Commanding, Speed Limits, World; Asia, Atlantic, Mount Everest and so on. Articles used with geographical names, Future tense: Sentences, questions and short answers, Expressing doubts



The concept of communication, communication process, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, internal communication, mass communication, online communication, intercultural communication



Description and history of occupational safety, OHS Management System OHSAS 18001. Occupational accidents. Work hazard analysis. Zero accident. Dangerous communication. Start-up training, basic ergonomics. Emergency action style, warning signs, emergency exits. Physical Risk Factors. Biological and Chemical Risk Factors. Psychosocial Risk Factors and Mobbing. Fire Extinguishers. Basic first aid training, personal protective equipment. Ethics in working life. Health and safety signs, shift work and night work. Accident formation and its types, Occupational Diseases and ways of protection, Occupational safety in electrical and non-electrical tools in the workshop, Safety at work, First Aid rules, Fire and explosion safety measures, Occupational safety and worker health legislation and occupational safety investigation


This course includes the evaluation of the Internship Book and Internship Reports and workplace reports prepared by the students at the end of their internship training in both private and public institutions in order to apply the theoretical courses they have seen for two years. 



Guided study techniques, subject research, topic selection, field scanning and draft content development, content preparation, content scanning according to the content, writing of the study, evaluation of the study, submission of the study


World War I, Mondros Armistice Agreement, An Overview of Mustafa Kemal Pasha's Life, Associations and Activities, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's departure to Samsun, Congresses, The Assembly of the Parliament and the National Pact, Opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, National Struggle Until Sakarya Victory. Victory of Sakarya, Financial Resources of the National Struggle,  Major assault, Mudanya Armistice, Abolition of the Sultanate, The Lausanne Treaty and the Declaration of the Republic, Abolition of the caliphate, Constitution of 1924, Multi-Party Life Experience,  Sheikh Sait Uprising, Other reactions against the Republic, Menemen Event, Atatürk's foreign policy principles and practices, The revolutions made in the fields of law, education, culture, economic, social and similar, and the six Atatürk Principles that constitute the Kemalist Thought System: Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Statism, Secularism and Revolutionism and the Kemalist Thought System from past to present.



Definition and Importance of Language. The formation of language, world languages, the place of Turkish among world languages. Phonetics of Turkish, Phonetic Events in Turkish (Famous Fall, Famous Derivation, Consonant Fall, Consonant Derivation, Simulation). Writing rules. Punctuation. Accent in Turkish. Shooting Attachments of Turkish. Ways of Making New Words in Turkish, Nouns Making Nouns, Verb Making Nouns. Verb noun suffixes, verb verb suffixes. Word Groups. Sentence Knowledge, Elements of Sentence, Sentences according to their meaning, Sentences according to their structure, Sentences according to their predicate, Sentences according to their meaning. Ways of Expression and Types of Oral Expression. Types of written expression. Literary Genres, Proverbs, Idioms and Dilemmas.


The concept of entrepreneurship, Evaluation of entrepreneurship characteristics, creativity and business idea development and creativity exercises, types of small businesses, Management in Small Medium Enterprises, Human resources management in small medium size enterprises, Public Relations in Small Medium Enterprises, Marketing in Small Medium Enterprises, Market research, Production management in small medium size enterprises, Research Development In Small Medıum Sıze Busıness, Financing in Small Medium Enterprises, Accounting in Small Medium Enterprises, Business plan concept, business plan marketing plan, production plan, management plan, evaluation of financial plans


To gain the ability to communicate effectively in health services, to comprehend the communication process, to develop interpersonal and social communication skills.


Laws and codes of conduct that regulate social life, the scope of public and private law, sources of law, qualifications and interpretation of legal rules, sanction of unlawful conduct, types of rights, the acquisition, loss, protection of rights, legal events, legal acts, legal proceedings, real and legal persons and their licenses


The concept of ethics and its historical development besides theoretical knowledge, ethical management, solution of ethical dilemmas, prevention of gray and white areas, ethical code generation and implementation, medical ethics, malpractice, euthanasia and health personnel-patient rights.


Developmental stages of hearing impaired children, Stages of development in pediatric group, classification and grading of hearing loss, behavior audiometry, Game audiometry, Pediatric speech audiometry, Acoustic immitansmetry and acoustic reflex test, Otoacoustic emission, Behavioral monitoring audiometer, Syndromic hearing loss, Genetic hearing loss, Functional hearing loss in pediatric group.



Turkish sign language history, finger alphabet, Single and double hand use, signs used in salutation and daily conversation, time and time zones, numbers, verbs, adjectives, health signs, Positive and negative sentences in sign language, transferring feelings and thoughts in sign language, communicating with the hearing impaired person using sign language, conducting conversations.



Head and neck tumors, neck dissection, tinnitus, subjective tinnitus, objective tinnitus, otosclerosis meniere's disease, ear surgeries (functional and nonfunctional surgeries) epistaxis, adenotonsillitis and adenotonsillectomy, Rhinitis and sinusitis, rinit types, auricle and external ear canal diseases, middle ear infections, salivary gland diseases, l anatomy of the aryx, dysphonia, laryngitis,  laryngeal paralysis and laryngeal cancers, sudden hearing loss.
