
History of Dogus University, Dogus University Management Chart, academic Units, academic calendar, Student Affairs Department (Structure, Duties), Library Department (Structure, Duties), Library Services, Library Research and Information Resources, Browsing the library catalog via Web, Health, Culture and Sports Department, Student Clubs, (Structure, Duties), Dogus University Education and Training Regulation, Higher Education Institutions Disciplinary Regulation, Higher Education Law Regulation, Erasmus Office, Promotion and Public Relations Directorate (Structure and Duties), Dogus University Graduates Association.


History of Biophysics, Topics of biophysics, Measurement and Unit Systems, Measurement Error Calculations, Biophysics / Physical Quantities and Concepts, Application of Biological Systems and Physics Laws, Molecular structure of living systems, Atom models and atomic structure, Physical and chemical properties of water, Macromolecules, Regulation of acid-base balance, Radioactivity and Beam Biophysics, Energy and work done in a biological system, Biophysical examination of respiratory event, Nervous System and Electrical Simulation, Synaptic Transmission Biophysics, Basic Principles of Biological Control, Basic Control Theory, Feedback Mechanism Electrical Technology and EEG, EMG, ECG Wave Characteristics and Operating Principles.


The concept and determinants of health, concept of health services, characteristics and classification, development and organization of health services in Turkey, concept of hospital, information in hospitals, health manpower planning, disaster management and emergency health services, public relations in health institutions, health communication, patient rights and ethics in health, health legislation, international health organizations


Introduction to electroneurophysiology, EEG generators and rhythmic EEG activity, EEG device, EEG electrodes and their placement, Polarity and area detection in EEG, Technical standards in clinical EEG recording, Artifacts,Definition of normal EEG, Activation methods, Neonatal EEG, Abnormal EEG patterns and their relationship with neurological diseases, Classification of seizures, Computerized ictal and interictal EEG analysis methods, Video EEG monitoring, Ictal EEG semiology. Clinical seizure characteristics, Localized and generalized epileptiform patterns, Slow waves and asymmetries, EEG report writing, Focal brain lesions, Diffuse, toxic and metabolic encephalopathies, Organic brain syndromes and dementia, Coma and other changes of consciousness, Drug effect, Psychiatric diseases and EEG, Electrocorticography Chronic intracerebral recording, Intraoperative monitoring.


Introduction to Anatomy and Basic Concepts, Knowledge of Basic Anatomy Terminology, Regional Anatomy and Regions of Our Body, Human Body Organization and General Information about Systems, Locomotor System Anatomy, digestive system and anatomical formations, Circulatory System and Anatomical Formations, Respiratory System and Anatomical Formations, Urogenital System and Anatomical Formations, Endocrine System and Anatomical Formation, Lymphatic and immune system forming anatomical structures, Nervous System Organization and Classification, Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Sense organs.


Definition of neurology,  What is neuron, distinction between central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, brachi al plexus, lumbar plexus, sacral plexus, functions of peripheral nerves, median and ulnar nerves, radial, axillary and other upper extremity nerves, sciatic nerve peroneal nerve,  tibial nerve, sural nerve, nerves and EMG, definition of epilepsy causes of epilepsy, types of epilepsy, partial epilepsies, generalized epilepsies, epilepsy treatment, epilepsy and EEG, muscle diseases, cranial nerves, neuropathy, polyneuropathy, mononeuropathy and mononeuritis multiplex.


Basic concepts of information technologies, information society, computer organization, computer hardware, input-output units, memory and other equipment, computer software, components of the software,  programming and operating system, operating systems and types, basic tasks of the operating system, operating system usage, common elements of office software, running and terminating software, menus, shortcuts, applications, transaction tables, basic concepts and usage of spreadsheet, presentation programs, basic features and usage of presentation programs, database, Basic concepts, database usage.


Definition of law, the necessity of law, rules of social order regulating community life, relations and differences between law and other social order rules, criteria for distinction between public and private law, equality, party criteria, branches of public law, definition, adoption, entry into force and characteristics of laws.


To know the rules of medical terminology. Prefix, Root, suffix to know about the word organization. General terms to know the disease and symptoms. To know the anatomical, health and disease terms of the body's systems (movement, digestive respiration, cardiovascular, blood-forming organs, endocrine, nervous, sensory organs).


Introduction to Electroneurophysiology, Basic concepts, Electrodes and Maintenance, Electroneurophysiological Methods, EMG and EEG Devices features, registration and learning of epileptic activities.


History of Sleep Medicine, Normal Sleep and Mechanisms, Sleeping disorders, What is polysomnography (PSG), Prepare the patient for registration before PSG, PSG basic protocols, Sleep stages, Scoring of sleep stages, Problems during recording and coping methods.


To learn about the historical development of the use of radiation in medicine, learn the basic principles of radiation protection. Radiation protection methods, measuring devices used for protection, risk account, shielding method


The concept of quality, Standard and standardization. Importance of standard in production and service sector, Total quality Management, Measurement, analysis, improvement, Management quality and standards, Environmental standards, Occupational health and safety standards, Quality management system models, Strategic management, Participation in management, Process management, Resource management, EFQM Excellence Model


Introduction of Materials and Devices in Electroneurophysiology Laboratory, Basic concepts, Electrodes and Maintenance, Electroencephalography (EEG), Electromyography (EMG) and PSG Applications, Basic Operation Principles of EMG and EEG Devices, Equipment and Operation, Motor Nerve and Neuromuscular Diseases, Tunnel Syndromes, Electroencephalography (EEG) technical characteristics, recording and epileptic activities.


Basic Principles of General Electricity, Principles of Laboratory Use, Introduction of EMG Device and Apparatus, Maintenance of Devices, Neurological System and Peripheral Nervous System, Electromyography (EMG) Application Areas, EMG Record keeping, Neuropathies and Trap Neuropathies, Motor Nerve and Neuromuscular Diseases, Tunnel Syndromes, Basic Operation Principles of H-Reflex, F-Wave, EMG Devices, Stimulation, Recording and Measurement, Sensory Nerve Studies, Sensory conduction studies of superficial peroneal, plantar and saphenous nerves Tunnel Syndromes, Evoked Potentials


Basic Principles of General Electricity, Principles of Laboratory Use, Introduction of EEG Device and Apparatus, Maintenance of Devices, Neurological System and Neurological Diseases, International Electrode Connection and Recording System (10-20 System), Waveforms and Epileptic Discharges, Recording Procedures and Testing Process, EEG Types, Sleep And EEG, Other Activation Methods, Effect of age on EEG, Pathological EEG, Shooting Techniques, Artifacts and Effects on Gravity.


Introduction to the course and nations, Question structures, Registration to a language school, Asking people questions, Occupations, Present tense, Time intervals reporting frequency, Making an appointment, Collocation, Past tense sentences, Conjunctions, Answering information Past tense; questions and short answers, Goal infinitives, Reacting to news, Present and present, At the station, in the taxi, asking for help and offering, Directions and places, Traffic signs, Continuous past tense, Time connectors, Commanding, Speed Limits, World; Asia, Atlantic, Mount Everest and so on. Articles used with geographical names, Future tense: Sentences, questions and short answers, Expressing doubts


The concept of communication, communication process, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, internal communication, mass communication, online communication, intercultural communication


Description and history of occupational safety, OHS Management System OHSAS 18001. Occupational accidents. Work hazard analysis. Zero accident. Dangerous communication. Start-up training, basic ergonomics. Emergency action style, warning signs, emergency exits. Physical Risk Factors. Biological and Chemical Risk Factors. Psychosocial Risk Factors and Mobbing. Fire Extinguishers. Basic first aid training, personal protective equipment. Ethics in working life. Health and safety signs, shift work and night work. Accident formation and its types, Occupational Diseases and ways of protection, Occupational safety in electrical and non-electrical tools in the workshop, Safety at work, First Aid rules, Fire and explosion safety measures, Occupational safety and worker health legislation and occupational safety investigation


This course includes the evaluation of the Internship Book and Internship Reports and workplace reports prepared by the students at the end of their internship training in both private and public institutions in order to apply the theoretical courses they have seen for two years.


Guided study techniques, subject research, topic selection, field scanning and draft content development, content preparation, content scanning according to the content, writing of the study, evaluation of the study, submission of the study


World War I, Mondros Armistice Agreement, An Overview of Mustafa Kemal Pasha's Life, Associations and Activities, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's departure to Samsun, Congresses, The Assembly of the Parliament and the National Pact, Opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, National Struggle Until Sakarya Victory. Victory of Sakarya, Financial Resources of the National Struggle,  Major assault, Mudanya Armistice, Abolition of the Sultanate, The Lausanne Treaty and the Declaration of the Republic, Abolition of the caliphate, Constitution of 1924, Multi-Party Life Experience,  Sheikh Sait Uprising, Other reactions against the Republic, Menemen Event, Atatürk's foreign policy principles and practices, The revolutions made in the fields of law, education, culture, economic, social and similar, and the six Atatürk Principles that constitute the Kemalist Thought System: Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Statism, Secularism and Revolutionism and the Kemalist Thought System from past to present.


Definition and Importance of Language. The formation of language, world languages, the place of Turkish among world languages. Phonetics of Turkish, Phonetic Events in Turkish (Famous Fall, Famous Derivation, Consonant Fall, Consonant Derivation, Simulation). Writing rules. Punctuation. Accent in Turkish. Shooting Attachments of Turkish. Ways of Making New Words in Turkish, Nouns Making Nouns, Verb Making Nouns. Verb noun suffixes, verb verb suffixes. Word Groups. Sentence Knowledge, Elements of Sentence, Sentences according to their meaning, Sentences according to their structure, Sentences according to their predicate, Sentences according to their meaning. Ways of Expression and Types of Oral Expression. Types of written expression. Literary Genres, Proverbs, Idioms and Dilemmas.



To gain the ability to communicate effectively in health services, to comprehend the communication process, to develop interpersonal and social communication skills.


Laws and codes of conduct that regulate social life, the scope of public and private law, sources of law, qualifications and interpretation of legal rules, sanction of unlawful conduct, types of rights, the acquisition, loss, protection of rights, legal events, legal acts, legal proceedings, real and legal persons and their licenses


The concept of ethics and its historical development besides theoretical knowledge, ethical management, solution of ethical dilemmas, prevention of gray and white areas, ethical code generation and implementation, medical ethics, malpractice, euthanasia and health personnel-patient rights.


The concept of entrepreneurship, Evaluation of entrepreneurship characteristics, creativity and business idea development and creativity exercises, types of small businesses, Management in Small Medium Enterprises, Human resources management in small medium size enterprises, Public Relations in Small Medium Enterprises, Marketing in Small Medium Enterprises, Market research, Production management in small medium size enterprises, Research Development In Small Medıum Sıze Busıness, Financing in Small Medium Enterprises, Accounting in Small Medium Enterprises, Business plan concept, business plan marketing plan, production plan, management plan, evaluation of financial plans


First aid and general information, Evaluation of patient / injured and scene Basic life support in adults, Basic life support in children, First aid in airway obstruction, First aid in bleeding, First aid in burns, First aid in fractures, dislocations and sprains, First aid in injuries, First aid in animal bites and stings, First aid in submersion and drowning, First aid in hot and cold emergencies, Patient / injured transport techniques, First aid in poisoning


for transmission of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms, immunization methods, Prevention of workplace infections in hospital infections, Disease transmission methods, how to take measures aimed at protection from these diseases, to reduce the risks of infection by protecting the environment, protecting the patient against the diseases and protecting the environment in which it works and taking the precautions to be taken in case of illness.



Clinical seizure characteristics, Localized and Generalized Epileptiform Patterns, Slow Waves and Asymmetries, EEG report software, Focal Brain Lesions, Diffuse, Mid-term Diffuse, Toxic and Metabolic Encephalopathies, Organic Brain Syndromes and Dementia, Changes in Coma and Other Consciousness,  Drug effect, Psychiatric Diseases and EEG, Sleeping disorders, Intraoperative Monitoring


Safety issues in the operating room, Anesthesia and neuromonitorization, Somatosensory evoked potentials, Motor evoked potentials Brainstem auditory evoked potentials, Electrocorticography and intraoperative electroencephalography, Cranial nerve monitoring, Peripheral nerve monitoring, Intraoperative neuromonitorization in spinal surgery, Intraoperative neuromonitorization in vascular diseases, Intraoperative wake-up test, Interpretation and reporting of neurophysiological data.


Motor excitation potentials, cortical stimulation methods in neurophysiological research, clinical use of arousal potentials, event-related potentials, P300, CNV, P50, MMN, excitation potentials and functional neuroimaging methods.
