
Institutional Structure, Academic Departments, Academic calendar, Student Affairs Department(Structure, and Duties), Library Services, Library Research and Information Resources, catalog search through Web; Health, Culture and Sports Deparment, Student Clubs (Structure and Duties), Regulations and Guidelines of Higher Education, Discipline Guide of High Education Council, Regulation of The Law on Higher Education, Erasmus International Office, Publicity and Public Relations Department(Structure and Duties).


Basic principles of business, Relationships and responsibilities of the business with the environment, Types of businesses, Functions of the business, Establishment activities of the business, Factors that play a role in choosing the establishment place of businesses, Business size and capacity types.


Numbers: natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, decimal notation, real numbers. Ratio and proportion: Ratio and proportion problems. Percentage and interest rates: Calculations with decimal numbers, percentage problems, simple interest, compound interest and interest problems.


Understanding the basic concepts related to foreign trade transactions and practices to make foreign trade transactions, Regulation of Foreign Trade Documents, Delivery Modes disclosure and demonstration of applications, Payment Methods disclosure practices, and in particular to show the letter of credit transactions.


Concept of marketing, importance of marketing, characteristics of goods and services, external factors that affect demand and motivation, marketing mix, market segmentation, product design, price, strategic marketing, marketing techniques, distribution channels.


With this course, the student, international logistics and insurance transactions is to gain the ability to make applications. Understanding the Basic Concepts Related to International Logistics, International Transportation Organizations Recognize that in the process, delivery, implement, International Logistics Insurance Operations to implement the basic content of the course topics.


Internet and Internet Browser, Electronic Mail Management, Newsgroups / Forums, Web Based Learning, Personal Web Site Preparation, Electronic Commerce, Resume in Word Processor, Internet and Career, Job Interview Preparation,Electronic Tables, Worksheets, Transaction Table, Formulas and Functions, Graphics, Presentation Preparation, Introductory Material Preparation. Microsoft Office and Open Office Applicaitons


Definition of law, the need for law, social rules which organize society, relationships and differences between law and other social rules, criteria differentiation, public and private law, equality, branches of public law, definition, enforcement and characteristics of laws.


To follow the legislation relating to foreign trade transactions and export - import operations, executing and monitoring disclosure of sources of foreign trade legislation, Exporter Unions, associations regulating the relations between tasks and exporter company, case studies and comments on the Implementation of Basic Types of Export, Import, and case studies of Transactions releases. Explanation of basic concepts used for customs clearance, customs legislation, introducing disclosure of customs regimes applied, in accordance with legislation and customs procedures to fill the document with case studies, timing issues are given.


Traditional and modern marketing concept, market and market criteria, product, marketing agencies, export marketing factors, international market research, marketing strategy, detection, selection of distribution channels, sales and promotion, marketing strategy and policy, export marketing information required application.


Bank, credit and financing methods used in international trade transactions disclosed by the financing of foreign trade of various forms of payment and delivery needs, with the elimination of the financing needs of the previously described methods of financing solutions to issues and covers topics such as disclosure and case studies.


The course covers the below topics related with legal, technical, administrative topics and financial regulations, applications and other regulations within the scope of Customs law, Customs regulations, communiques, commercial treaty.


Enterprise, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship; similarities and differences between an entrepreneur and a manager (professional managers); role and importance of the entrepreneur in business success; entrepreneurship and trends which reveal small and medium sized enterprise; globalization; entrepreneurship in Turkey and entrepreneurship in the world; entrepreneur and developments related to small and medium sized enterprises (share of entrepreneurs in total employment, change in the number of entrepreneurs); female entrepreneurship; advice for candidate entrepreneurs in Turkey; innovation, innovative ideas and inventions; risks of enterprises; examples of successful entrepreneurs.


This course provides an introduction to the English Language and aims to help the students to understand international business structures and business terminology. It is intended that students who have taken this course will be able to communicate at a very basic level using written and oral English in everyday business life.


The course covers the below topics. Historical Journey of Economics, Basic Concepts of Economics, Price Mechanism, Supply and Demand Laws, Market Equilibrium, Elasticity, Indifference Curve, Economic Growth, National Income and Related Terms, Employment and Unemployment, Market Types, Budget, Central Banks and Monetary Policies.


Explanation of Fundamental Theories of International Trade, Foreign Trade Policy objective the identification and application of methods and tools are the topics of the course. With this course, the student, foreign exchange transactions and capital movements and payments, the balance sheet will be provided for the concepts and the ability to analyze the economic consequences. Introduction to Foreign Exchange Market disclosure of the transactions in the market, and case studies, the identification and introduction of the Balance of Payments, functions and processes of preparation, analysis and interpretation of results sheet items contained in the International Private Equity Transactions with the introduction and explanation of the case studies.


Introduction to the course and nations, Question structures, Enrollment in a language school, Asking questions about people, Professions, Wide Time, Adverbs of time, Appointment, Collocations, Past tense sentences, Conjunctions, Answering knowledge, Past tense; Questions and short answers, Goal infinitives, Reacting to news, At the station, Present and Wide time, In taxi, Asking for and offering help, Directions and places, Traffic signs, Continuous past time, Time connectors, Commanding, Speed Limits, World; Asia, Atlantic, Mount Everest and so on. Articles used with geographical names, Future tense: Sentences, questions and short answers, Expressing doubts.



The course covers the following topics related to communication: The concept of communication, the process of communication, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, organizational communication, mass communication, online communication, intercultural communication.


Means of social security, techniques, Turkish social security system, types of social insurance, warning and seniority, indemnity, strike and lockout concepts.



Workplace organization, relations of the between units, observation and working practises


Students will prepare a project about the subject they have chosen by conducting a study which possesses all the qualities of a scientific project and will support the theoretical knowledge they have gathered with their research findings and practices.


World War I, Mondros Armistice Agreement, An Overview of the Life of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Communities and Activities, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's departure to Samsun, Congresses, the Assembly of Parliament and the National Pact, Opening of COE-DAT , National Struggle Until Sakarya Victory. The Victory of Sakarya, Financial Resources of the National Struggle, Great Offensive, Mudanya Armistice, Abolition of the Sultanate, the Treaty of Lausanne and the Declaration of the Republic, Abolition of the Caliphate, Constitution of 1924, Multi-Party Life Experience, Sheikh Said Uprising, Other Reactions Against the Republic, Menemen Incident, Atatürk The principles of Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Statism, Secularism and Revolutionism and the Kemalist Thought System from past to present.


Definition and Importance of Language. The formation of language, world languages, the place of Turkish among world languages. Phonetics of Turkish, Phonetic Events in Turkish (Famous Fall, Famous Derivation, Consonant Fall, Consonant Derivation, Simulation). Spelling Rules. Punctuation. Accent in Turkish. Shooting Attachments of Turkish. Ways of Making New Words in Turkish, Nouns Making Nouns, Verb Making Nouns. Verb noun suffixes, verb verb suffixes. Word Groups. Sentence Knowledge, Elements of Sentence, Sentences according to their meaning, Sentences according to their structure, Sentences according to their predicate, Sentences according to their meaning. Ways of Expression and Types of Oral Expression. Types of written expression. Literary Genres, Proverbs, Idioms and Dilemmas.


Basic statistical analysis types, Formulation and interpretation of frequency tables, Calculating central tendency and propagation measures, Basic probability calculations, Probability distributions of discrete and continuous random variables.


In addition to theoretical knowledge in the field of ethics and business ethics, it includes areas for ethical management, solution of ethical dilemmas, prevention of gray areas, creation and implementation of ethical codes, and application of professional ethical codes.


Introduction to E-Commerce, E-commerce history, E-commerce parties, E-Commerce Security and Payment Systems, Business Models for E-Commerce, E-Commerce and Marketing, E-commerce legal regulations, E-logistics and foreign commerce, e-commerce and document layout.


Concept of quality, standard and standardization. Importance of standard in production and service sector, Total quality management, Measurement, analysis, improvement, Management quality and standards, Environmental standards, Occupational health and safety standards, Quality management system models, Strategic management, Participation in management, Process management, Resource management, Effqm excellence model.


Follows current international economic developments. Analyze international organizations which are the main actors of international trade and political relations. In a globalized world economy, Turkey evaluates the movement of regionalization and integration mean in terms of foreign trade. position in the world of international production networks of Turkey's economy, economic dependence and comments in the context of international competition. Analyze global or regional dynamics of international organizations.


Introduction to accounting, Accounting process, Classification of accounts and types of accounts, basic financial tables, types of trial balance, accounting process, Current assets, Non-current assets, Foreign resources, Equity, Income and Expenses, Period-end transactions, Applications related to accounting process.


Ratio and proportion, percentage, time value of money, annuity, discount, cost and profit calculations, interest calculations.


Pre-European in the 2nd World War and Post Developments, creating the EU Model, EU Enlargement, the EU institutional structure, Start of EU-Turkey relations, 1/95 Association Council and Adaptation Studies, Legal Framework of the EU Common Commercial Policy, Objectives, Scope, Common Trade Policy Tools; OGT, Common Rules in Imports, Common Rules in Exports, International Agreements, Free Trade Agreements, Customs Union, Generalized System of Preferences, Commercial Documents Used in the Framework of Common Trade Policy.


Basic concepts about exchange concept, related concepts and legislation. Basic concepts and principles in Turkish exchange system. General scope of invisible transactions and general rules to be applied. The functions of documents used in foreign exchange transactions, what documents are and what documents will be arranged in how.
