Program Objectives

With the increasing complexity of economic and social relations, problems in the field of law increase and diversify. The solution of these problems in a fair, fast and economic way can only be possible with the presence of well-trained lawyers and qualified assistants who are the indispensable supporters of lawyers.

In the light of these evaluations; In addition to the graduate programs that have been developed in the Faculty of Law and the Social Sciences Institute established within the body of DOĞUŞ University in 2008, Justice Program has been opened in the Vocational School in 2017-2018 academic year. With this new program, it is aimed to train qualified assistants that our country needs more and more.

It should be noted that the aim of the Judicial Office Services program is not only to provide the personnel needed in the justice organization, but also to train qualified staff who can work in every field of activity related to law in the private sector.

In addition to these issues; Graduates of the. Judicial Office Services Program will have the opportunity to continue their studies in the law faculties through vertical transfer and to advance to the profession of attorney or judge-prosecutor. The program courses are designed in order to enable students to achieve such a transition without difficulty.

Vertical Transfer Opportunities

According to the DGS (Dikey Geçiş Sınavı / Vertical Transfer Exam) result, they can switch over to the 4 year sections related to their field. 

Related 4 year programs: Law

Career Opportunities

1. Courts

2. Enforcement Directorates

3. Penal Institutions

4. Notary Offices

5. Legal Units of Public Institutions and Organizations

6. Advocacy, Mediation and Counseling Offices

7. Legal Services of Bank and Commercial Companies