
Institutional Structure, Academic Departments, Academic calendar, Student Affairs Department(Structure, and Duties), Library Services, Library Research and Information Resources, catalog search through Web; Health, Culture and Sports Deparment, Student Clubs (Structure and Duties), Regulations and Guidelines of Higher Education, Discipline Guide of High Education Council, Regulation of The Law on Higher Education, Erasmus International Office, Publicity and Public Relations Department(Structure and Duties). 


This course includes the items/topics such as: Law and Constitutional Law, Resources, Related Basic Concepts, Political Power, Source of Political Power and Its Legitimacy, Institutions of the Government: State, Types of States, Constitutions, Developing and Amending Constitutions: Primary Constituent Power, Derived Constituent Power, Forms of Government, Legal Framework of Elections and Election Systems, Political Parties, Executive Power, Legislative Power, Relations Between Political Powers, Structures of 1876, 1921,1924,1961 Constitutions, Related Basic Concepts, Making of 1982 Constitution, Basic Foundational Laws, Fundamental Rights, Freedoms, and Duties, Structures of the Legislative Branch, Legal Status of Its Members, The Function of the Legislation Power, Functions and Structure of the Executive Branch, Structure of Judicial Branch, Characteristic and Attributes of the Judicial Power, Constitutional Jurisdiction.


Definition of law, the need for law, social rules which organize society, relationships and differences between law and other social rules, criteria differentiation, public and private law, equality, branches of public law, definition, enforcement and characteristics of laws.


General Information about Keyboard Techniques, Use of Letter Keys, Use of Basic Row Keys, Use of Non-Basic Letter Keys, Use of Punctuation Keys, Spelling Mistakes and Speed Calculation, Use of Number and Symbol Keys, Use of Auxiliary Keys, Shaped Writing Studies.


General principles of criminal law; application in regards with to place, time and person; elements of crime; attempt, voluntary abandonment, effective remorse, participation, successive offenses, joinder of offenses ; sanctions, security precautions; Determination and Individualization of Punishment; Grounds for Dismissal of an Action and Vacation of Punishment; Conditional Release; Erasing Criminal Record and Permitting of Prohibited Rights.


Basic concepts of Civil Procedure Law, judicial powers courts, judicial officiers and their responsibilities, principles of jurisdiction and authorization of the courts, general terms related to the case; particularly being a party, filing an action and defensing of an action, types of lawsuits and intervention to the case, principles of prevailing in civil procedure law, phases of a case; particularly preliminary and investigation phases, types of evidences, formal and discretionary proofs, judgement, defintive judgement, petty sessional procedure, general terms of appeal procedure, appeal, retiral procedure, temporary legal protections, temporary injuction, arbitration, general information about alternative dispute resolutions and mediation, application procedure to Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights.



Main content and purpose of this lesson of Commercial Law consists of commercial affairs, commercial judiciary and commercial lawsuits, unfair competition, regulations on protection of competition, law of associations and law of commercial papers. With these related information, students are provided with enough information in accordance with both Commercial And Obligation Codes. Also, for Law of Obligations, general principles of Law of Obligations, especially in regards with contracts, Creation of contracts, offer and acceptance, capacity to enter into contracts can be mentioned as the content of this lesson.


Progression Schema of Criminal Procedure. Interpretation and Sources of Criminal Procedure Law. Implementation of Criminal Procedure Code in Respect of Location. Implementation of Criminal Procedure Code in Respect of Time. Implementation of Criminal Procedure Code for the Person. Function, Subjects and Features of the Investigation. Defense: Authority and Obligations of the Defense Counsel. Investigation Phase Proceedings-Collecting of Evidences. Measures for Protection of Evidence: Arrest, Custody, Arrest with a Warrant, Search and Seizure, Interception of Correspondence through Telecommunication, Undercover Investigator and Surveillance with Technical Devices. Elements of the Indictment. Evaluation of the Indictment. The Decision on No Ground for Prosecution. Connected Lawsuits, Procedure Conditions, Procedure Proceedings. Prosecution Phase: Features of the Phase, the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Courts and the Venue of the Courts. Intervening the Public Claim, Special Adjudication Methods. Preparation of the Main Trial, Main Hearing, Concluding of the Main Hearing and the Judgement. Ordinary Legal Remedies: Opposition, Appeal on Facts and Law, Appeal on Law. Extraordinary Legal Remedies. Procedure of Criminal Execution.


This course includes topics such as the following: The concept of administration, administrative organization, administrative acts, administrative operations, administrative responsibility and judicial review of administrations.


Students will prepare a project about the subject they have chosen by conducting a study which possesses all the qualities of a scientific project and will support the theoretical knowledge they have gathered with their research findings and practices.




In addition to theoretical knowledge in the field of ethics and business ethics, it includes areas for ethical management, solution of ethical dilemmas, prevention of gray areas, creation and implementation of ethical codes, and application of professional ethical codes.


Enterprise, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship; similarities and differences between an entrepreneur and a manager (professional managers); role and importance of the entrepreneur in business success; entrepreneurship and trends which reveal small and medium sized enterprise; globalization; entrepreneurship in Turkey and entrepreneurship in the world; entrepreneur and developments related to small and medium sized enterprises (share of entrepreneurs in total employment, change in the number of entrepreneurs); female entrepreneurship; advice for candidate entrepreneurs in Turkey; innovation, innovative ideas and inventions; risks of enterprises; examples of successful entrepreneurs.


Numbers: natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, decimal notation, real numbers. Ratio and proportion: Ratio and proportion problems. Percentage and interest rates: Calculations with decimal numbers, percentage problems, simple interest, compound interest and interest problems.


Introduction to Labour law, National and International Sources of Labour law, and Fundamental Concept, Historical Progress of Labour Law at International and National Level, Fundamental Concepts of Labour Law, Concept of Employee, Characteristics of Employee, Concept of Employer, Characteristics of Employer, Concept, Definition and elements of establishment, Application Scope of Labour Law, Labours/Employments outside the scope of Labour Law, Personal Employment, Employment Contract, Definition, Elements of Employment Contract, Characteristics, Types of Employment Contracts, Form of Employment Contract, Obligations of Employment Contract, Obligations of Employees, Obligations of Employers, Working Hours, Rest Hours, Rest Break, Night Rest, Vacation Rest and Yearly Rest, Wage Guarantee, Paying Minimum Wage, Indemnity, working and quitclaim, Collective Employment Law 









General Information about Keyboard Techniques, Use of Letter Keys, Use of Basic Row Keys, Use of Non-Basic Letter Keys, Use of Punctuation Keys, Spelling Mistakes and Speed Calculation, Use of Number and Symbol Keys, Use of Auxiliary Keys, Shaped Writing Studies.


Definition of marketing, scope, development, marketing concept and new trends, marketing environment, the role of marketing and strategic planning, marketing research and information system, consumer markets and consumer behavior, industrial markets and international markets, market segmentation, targeting, positioning and sales forecasts, products, price, promotion (marketing communication), personal sales and sales development, advertising and public relations, internet marketing and direct marketing, distribution: distribution channels, supply chain management and logistics, organization in marketing management, implementation and supervision, service marketing, international marketing.





Basic Concepts of Civil Law, Law of Persons, Family Law, Law of Succession, Property Law, and Property Law
